Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How have Technology changed in Healthcare in past 10 years - 550 Words

How have Technology changed in Healthcare in past 10 years? (Other (Not Listed) Sample) Content: Assignement QuestionsNameInstitutionAssignement QuestionsHow have Technology changed in Healthcare in past 10 years? In the last decade, technology in healthcare has greatly transformed, utilizing the internet platform in bettering health care. For instance, much development has been in the digital health care technologies with the emergence of technologies, which support patients to become active in their own health care. Today, physicians and patients can easily interact online using portal technologies. It has also become easier to access patients information online, besides an easy follow up on patient treatment processes. 2. Name some of the benefits and downsizes of TechnologyThe benefits of technology include:Increased efficiencyIncreased accuracyCost reductionTime savingSome downsizes of technology include:It requires time to adapt to emerging technologies.Over-dependence on technologies may hamper physicians capabilities to respond to emergencies where the te chnologies are unavailable .They are susceptible to vulnerabilities such as hackers and system failures.Sophisticated healthcare technologies are expensive and beyond the reach of many.3. What are some Technology that is essential to good patient outcome?Electronic Medical Records: Facilitates easy recording and retrieval of patients information. This way, patients get fast services, promoting their satisfaction.The International Statistical Classification of Diseases, (ICD-10)Tool: Facilitates easy identification and diagnosis of diseases. This enhances effectiveness in disease treatment, reducing incidences of wrong diagnosis, which may be dangerous to individuals health.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machine: Helps in the identification of health problems in organs and tissues within body, which cannot be viewed with naked eyes. This promotes effective treatment of chronic diseases.4. Name an equipment (technological) that helps you provide efficient nursing careAn Automated Di spensing Cabinet is a computerized drug storage cabinet that controls and track drug distribution, helping nurses to better manage patients medication. This helps nurses reduce medication errors, which can be detrimental especially where a nurse is providing care to many patients or similar ailment. It further empowers nurses to work more efficiently by reducing interruptions.5. List all countries in the industrialized world with Universal HealthcareNorway New Zealand Japan Germany Belgium United Kingdom Kuwait Sweden Bahrain Brunei Canada Netherlands Austria United Arab Emirates Finland Slovenia Denmark Luxembourg France Australia Ireland Italy Portugal CyprusGreece Spain South Korea Iceland Hong Kong Singapore Switzerland Israel6. What Healthcare system does the US have?Selective health coverage: Operates under a market-based health insurance system where people have to subscribe to insurance policies that would determine the type of medical care they would have access to. This m eans that only those who can afford insurance coverage can access health care services from both public and private hospital. This type of healthcare system limits poor people from accessing quality health care services and this violate human rights by depriving the citizens the health care they highly need.7. What are some of the healthcare re-imbursement methods use in US to pay for healthcare?The various ways of reimbursing health care providers and facilities in the U.S include:Fee-for-Service reimbursement: This is where a healthcare provider is retrospectively paid for the service rendered. In this form of reimbursement, there is a set price for each health care service. The patient is supposed to pay for the cost of the resources consumed in providing health care service.Prospective payment: This type of reimbursement is where payment is predetermined before service is rendered. Capitation: This is where the third-party payer reimburses a health care provider a fixed amount o f f...

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